Have you ever been studied? I’m not talking about someone looking to see what they like or don’t like about you. I’m also not meaning someone who is stalking you on social media. I mean professionals. This week we had the pleasure of being analyzed by a psychologist and launching the official home study for adoption.

Keep in mind that the only impressions we’ve had of either of these is what you would find on a movie or TV show. Think Monk… or What About Bob. We are not mentally ill or unstable! Of course, those around us have had their doubts, but now we’ll have a notarized statement from a licensed psychologist proving our sanity and saying we are great parents!

Our home study worker also is stumbling in on our deep, dark secrets. But we didn’t scare her off! Our social worker is doing three visits in the home study for our adoption, and the initial visit this week went very well.

The introspective aspect of the adoption process has helped us take a step back and see where we’ve been, where we’re at, and where we’re going. For any negative from our past, we’ve had the opportunity and training to make sense of those things and determine how to move on and move forward. One of our favorite quotes came from Dr. Karyn Purvis in our adoption education classes. 

It’s not your fault, but it is your responsibility.

To add to our eventful week, Liisa experienced the unleashed fury of undercooked chicken the night before our home study. Obviously, food poisoning is never a bucket list item, but it is an amazing weight loss experience. As we celebrate our few steps further into the adoption this weekend, we will not be celebrating with shredded chicken tacos from Cafe Rio.

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